SIA "Digitālā Pele" speciālisti ir atsaucīgi un vienmēr sniedz konsultācijas mūs interesējošos jautājumos. Uzņēmuma darbinieki ir pretim nākoši, ar vēlmi meklēt risinājumus nestandarta situācijās. Līdzšinējās sadarbības periodā SIA "Digitālā Pele" sevi ir pierādījusi kā drošu partneri, kas veic uzticētos darbus augstā kvalitātē un norunātajos termiņos.
Fazer Latvija
Darbinieki - atsaucīgi, radoši, pozitīvi. Sniedza palīdzigu roku pēdēja brīdī un visu paspēja laikus kā arī augstākajā kvalitātē. PALDIES!
TC Grupa
Zemākā cena par labāko kvalitāti! Ātrs temps + strādā 24/7 :) Iesaku!
Šarlote Abiļēviča
Kad radās pēkšņa un neatliekama vajadzība pēc prezentācijas materiāliem ar apdruku, tika apzvanītas daudzas firmas, kas sniedz apdrukas pakalpojumus, bet - nekā! Pārāk vēlu. Prece nav noliktavā - jāpasūta. Jāgaida. Ātrākais pēc mēneša.
Paldies, ka "Digitālā pele" spēja reaģēt operatīvi. Ātri pieņēma pasūtījumu, ātri saskaņojām maketu. Saņēmām pasūtīto preci noteiktajā laika ar piegādi līdz pašām durvīm. Paldies! Vēlam nezaudēt ātrumu un kvalitāti arī turpmāk.
Laura Ikauniece
KRC "Jaunķemeri" sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste
I´m swedish editor and also responsible for publisher of O-boken, a swedish annual yerabook about orienteering all over the world. We hade cooperate with Digitala Mouse ltd since printing of O-boken 2009 in Latvia and is very satisfied with almost everything in our contacts. The printing of O-boken includes almost all types of graphic formats. And we think Digitala Mouse is one of the best map-printers in the world and that they can handle all types of printing. The printquality in the last O-boken 2014 is very close to perfect. Johnny Fransson, Ärla 13/1-2015
My cards have arrived, yay! I am so pleased with them all, can really recommend printing with Digital Mouse!
Lisa Zeicman
Tiešām MILZĪGS PALDIES! Sevišķi Renātei Ieviņai, kas veiksmīgi tika galā ar mūsu superīsos termiņos uzticēto lielo (no daudzām mazām lietām sastāvošo)darbu.
Apbrīnoju gan Jūsu apņemšanos, gan ieguldījumu, apkalpojot Jums nezināmu klientu.
Paldies arī meistariem, kas visu vajadzīgo steidzami saražoja ļoti labā kvalitātē.
Linda Liepiņa
DHL Express
Digital Mouse Ltd is very easy to work with and they also give fast answer in emails
and on skype when I need support or price for a new project. Printing is done with
best quality and delivery time have never been a problem, even if the
company is placed on the other side of Östersjön. I´m very happy to co-operate
with Digitalmouse and will for sure print more works at their company in the future.
Andreas Davidsson
Adshape AB, Sweden, O-Ringen / Svenska Orienteringsförbundet
As one of Finland’s top exporters of log houses it's very important for us to have high quality advertising materials. Digital mouse has proven to be a great partner. Good customer service, knowledge of different materials and excellent prints are a proof of their reliability. We have ordered many brochures and business cards and have been pleased every occasion.
Artichouse/Salla Ikonen
Art Director
Vienmēr kvalitatīvi izpildīts darbs, liels prieks strādāt ar atsaucīgiem profesionāļiem. Īpašs paldies Renātei Ieviņai!
SIA "Media House "
Vēlos pateikt sirsnīgu un lielu PALDIES Jānim Dreiškinam par izcilo un profesionālo apkalpošanu!
Vents Aperāns
Digital mouse LTD company provide excellent service for map printing during ESOC, WJSOC, WMSOC. Design of the maps and their quality were very good.And service was possible 24 hours at event place. It was great to work with representative of the company Edgars Sparans, who was very helpful and cooperative.
Tatiana Kalenderoglu
IOF Senior Event Adviser
I find that the customer service at Digitala Pele is exceptional. They are quick to answer any questions, provide a quote or update on existing orders. They will work with you to ensure you get the product that you are requiring in a timely fashion.
I have ordered a variety of souvenirs. Items such as mugs, flasks, water bottles, and Bluetooth speakers. I have had no issues with the design layout or quality of product. They were produced and delivered in a quick professional manor.
As well I have ordered a selection of their printed clothing. On one of my orders there was a slight flaw with the logo transfer. When it was noticed they were quick retrieve the flawed product and replace. They also keep you informed if there is a delay in production for any reason.
I gladly continue my business transactions with this company and highly recommend their services.
Janice Kirwan
Retail Supervisor National Support Element (NSE) / eFP Latvia OP REASSURANCE Personnel Support Programs (PSP)
Ļoti ātrs un kvalitatīvs darbs. Darba izpilde vienas dienas laikā. Atsaucīgi darbinieki. Prieks bija sadarboties. Liels Jums Paldies!!!!
G. Miežis Ārsts
Gribu teikt lielu paldies par foršo, draudzīgo attieksmi, individualitāti un darba kvalitāti!
Lielisks uzņēmums, radošs ar profesionālu kolektīvu, laicīgām atbildēm! Patīk ka vienmēr tiek atrasts risinājums problēmām, nodrošinot pasūtījumus ar augstu kvalitāti!
SIA "Vides reklāmas risinājumi"